GATE 2024 is considered the most prestigious master’s and doctoral level qualifying examinations in the country. The GATE 2024 exam paves the way for students to enter into eminent universities, scholarships, and assistantships and recruitment in government as well as other highly reputed institutions. 

The GATE 2024 IIT Bombay is slated to be held from Feb 5th, 2024 to Feb 14th, 2024. The examination thoroughly tests applicant’s hold of diverse undergraduate-level subjects ranging from Engineering, Technology, and Architecture to master’s level subjects in Commerce, Arts, and Science. The GATE 2024 IIT Bombay will have 27 subjects or papers on offer. The following paragraphs will help you answer the ‘How to prepare for GATE 2024’ effectively.

GATE 2024 IIT Bombay: Exam Pattern


Here is a list of few important details concerning the exam pattern. 

Events Particulars
Application Window Sept 14th 2024 to Sept 30th 2024
Examination Mode Computer-based test [CBT]
No. of Papers 27
Sections General Aptitude[GA] AND Candidate’s Chosen Subject
Questions Types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) 

Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or 

Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions 

Total No. of Questions 65 [10(GA) + 55(Subject)]
Marking Scheme Either 1 or 2 mark
Total Marks 100
Total Time Duration 3 hours

How to Prepare for GATE 2024: Preparation Tips


Given below are some of the most effective tips and tricks that will help you shape your GATE 2024 Preparation Strategy in the right direction.

  • Know the Latest GATE 2024 Exam Pattern

For the GATE 2024 IIT Bombay, there have been additions of two new subjects, namely, ES (Environmental Science and Engineering) and XH (Humanities and Social Sciences) in Economics / English / Linguistics / Philosophy / Psychology / Sociology. More importantly, the syllabi of each of the 27 Papers/Subjects have been revised and updated so make sure you are well-versed. Moreover, the eligibility conditions have also been relaxed. You can choose one or two subjects as your optional so choose wisely.

  • Different Strategies for Different Questions


There are three major diverse categories of questions on the exam. Thus, it is imperative to have a specific strategy to tackle a particular question. Use the elimination technique for MCQs. Further, for multiple selected questions and numerical answer questions, you must solve completely and get to the correct answer.

  • Comprehensive testing of Skills

The exam assesses a wide range of skills including Recall, Comprehension, Application, Analysis & Synthesis in addition to problem-solving, critical thinking, pattern making, and much more. Thus, the answer to ‘How to prepare for GATE 2024’ lies in selecting a well-rounded preparation approach that suits your needs.

  • Don’t Wait for the Last Month, Start Now


Most of the toppers suggest beginning your GATE 2024 exam preparation as soon as possible. While some suggest starting in the second or third year of graduation itself, the key is to complete the main chunk of the syllabus well before the exam and utilize the remaining weeks on mock tests and revision.

  • Follow a Preparation Tracker

At whatever stage of preparation, you are at currently, assess and reassess your performance over one week and one month. Circle out the sections you feel deserve more practice,  polish up your strong areas, and keep updating your preparation tracker as you go along. This helps in knowing where you stand.

  • Divide your Strong and Weak Points


Demarcating the syllabus into clear and specific strong and weak areas helps you in being clear-headed as to your preparation. The best GATE 2024 Preparation Strategy is to cement your understanding over strong portions and gradually improving on your vulnerable ones.

  • Time Management

A substantial part of the answer to the ‘How to prepare for GATE 2024’ question lies in time management. You have 180 minutes to attempt 100 questions which vary in difficulty. While you will save time on easy questions and use up minutes on tough ones, you must stick to a strict schedule. In general, assume you have 1.8 minutes for one question and move forward if you are no sure about your answer.

  • Mock Tests and Short Topic-based Tests


Attempt at least two mock tests at the end of every week and keep solving short topic-based tests on difficult chapters throughout your preparation. While the former helps you in getting an idea of actual exam day problems like time management, efficiency, and concentration levels, the latter keeps your knowledge polished and you tend to remember and recall more easily.

  • Use Creative Techniques

Make profound use of creative learning techniques and diversify your source of preparation in addition to trusted study material and the latest books. Take the assistance of flow charts, self-explanation, keyword mnemonic, summarization, distributed practice, and interleaving practice. Also, taking online assessment and feedback sessions as well as group discussions can boost your memory. This becomes a great GATE 2024 preparation strategy when it comes to formulae.

  • Revise


Revision is instrumental both during your preparation as well as during your exam. During the last week or two, focus only on revision and do not touch any new topic. Furthermore, on the day of the exam, leave 15-20 minutes, in the end, to go over your answer choices and check over calculations and any silly mistakes you may have committed.

  • Come Up with Your Exam Day Tricks

Whether it is starting with a particular section or going about a specific question type, come up with your exam day strategies that suit your learning style and preparation. Further, keep a strategy ready for how to tackle that odd tricky question.

  • Remain Calm & Composed


Do not let exam stress and pressure whether it is family or peer expectations get to you and affect your confidence. Have a light diet, drink a lot of fluids, and avoid outside as much as you can. Also, take adequate rest and do not break your normal sleep cycle.

While the above tips are significant, the critical GATE 2024 Preparation Strategy is to have faith and trust in yourself, remain confident, and give your absolute best. All the luck to you.