Countries like the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia have always been known as the world’s top immigration nations. Australia started with its immigration programs in the forties and since then have received close to 7.5 million immigrants. But still, the need for new settlers exists, due to the size of the territory than can be inhabited. Although there has been a certain increase in people moving out of Australia, the number of people moving in is still higher.
Australia has been offering several immigration programs, according to which the number of yearly immigrants that will be allowed to move in is estimated. Most of the immigrants are arriving through skilled and family migration programs.
You must be wondering which nations are immigrating most? Well, believe it or not, the UK has had the biggest rate of immigrants in Australia for years. Until approximately a decade ago, when the number of immigrants from China and India started increasing progressively. Some data from 2019 show that Indians are now the third-largest immigrant group.
Here are a couple of the reasons why Australia will continue to be a popular migration destination for Indians also in 2024.
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Simple Visa process
Especially if we’re talking about the Permanent Residence visas, everyone aims to attain at one point. Indians take good advantage of the Australian Immigration Department’s quick and simple PR steps because a large number of them have already migrated to the skilled visa option. Obtaining a permanent residence means you will soon become a citizen of Australia. But to obtain citizenship you would need to pass the citizenship test. There are even several practical online tools to help you prepare for the citizenship tests. Click here to learn more.
Australia is an English-speaking country
Indians have always preferred to migrate to English speaking countries. The reason for this might be purely historical. In colonial times, India was under the British rule for about 100 years, which left its mark on the language and certain traditional habits. 90% educated Indians before the independence, spoke English. It was encouraged because it was a sign of prestige. Today, it is very likely to hear a couple of English words when listening to them talking. Although India is a huge country with a huge population, some statistic shows that close 260,000 Indians spoke English as their first language. 83 million said English is their second language, and 46 million said it’s their third language.
Looking at all these facts, no wonder Indians choose to try to migrate to English speaking countries first.
Australia is a multiethnic country, diverse in culture
Throughout history, Indians have strived more to migrate to the USA for education, but this changed when Donald Trump won the elections and was appointed President. Since then, the US has been struggling with the rising wave of racism, which is one of the reasons Indians now choose to migrate to Australia. The problem of racism in the US has only been growing this year, so Australia will stay as a top destination to migrants. The Government of Australia has also adopted a 0-tolerance policy on racism, which sends a clear message everyone is welcome to settle in.
Large Indian community groups
At the beginning of the text, it was mentioned that Indians are one of the top three immigrant nations in Australia. Regardless of whether they come on a works visa, study visa, or something else, Indians have built large community groups all over the country. The city of Victoria is home to the largest Indian community group. Melbourne follows. Many are the reasons behind Indians settling in these cities, but the assumption is that they are attracted by the lower real-estate prices and the quality of higher education offered there. Australia even has 15 newspapers printed in Indian languages.
Good education programs
Indians as a nation are brought up and encouraged from early childhood to pursue academic education. Australia generally has a highly regarded education system and offers many scholarship programs for overseas students. More than a hundred thousand Indian students enrolled to study in Australia in 2018/2019, making the number of Indian students in Australia grow by 71% in the past six years. This increase also shows that a huge contribution to the Australian economy has been given by Indians. The government of Australia has recognized this and even formed a delegation to visit India and encourage its best and brightest students to continue their academic education in Australia.
Unlike many other countries where a chance for permanent residence is after studying is not so easy, Australia has attractive policies for international students, such as “post-study policy” that lead to permanent residence.
Stabile economy
Australia is a wealthy country and one thing that proves this is that its economy hasn’t experienced a recession in 28 years. The second amazing fact about the stability of its economy is that an average Australian citizen is at the moment richer than the average US citizen. Also, two years ago it registered an inflow of 12,000 millionaires, probably attracted by no inheritance tax, US has.
India is also a growing economy, but not many countries can say that they maintained stability for as long as Australia did.
Clean air, water, and nature
The average number of people per square mile in Australia is 7, whilst predictions are showing India will be the most densely populated country in the world by 2060. Australia has also implemented many measures to maintain the quality of air, so it remains very good according to world standards. The livability rate is generally quite high. A large diversity in the natural world makes it a perfect place to raise a family. Australia has around 500 national parks.
Many have been thinking about what will happen to immigration policies in Australia this year, due to the pandemic of coronavirus. Well, the news says that Australia will most definitely cut the numbers planned for immigration, but this still leaves a huge opportunity for starting a new life in a rich country such as Australia. Indians will for sure continue taking advantage of its immigration policy.