Automation in India: How to Prepare for the Future

Like every developed nation around the world, the race for automation is fierce in India. With an ever-growing population that’s already in the billions, the need to increase production has never been more urgent. Although India has never experienced any shortage of labor, the speed of manufacturing may be lagging behind because humans pale in comparison to industrial robots. The following are ways through which India is preparing for a fully automated future.

Rigorous Training


Industrial robots will still need to be run and repaired by a limited number of personnel. The skills required to run these machines is not something that can be taught overnight. There’s a lot of investment that goes into selecting the right candidates, training them at the best schools, probably overseas, so that when the time for transitioning comes, there won’t be any hitches. Where automation is concerned, nothing can be left to chance, be it a simple task like sorting bottle tops in a beverage factory or running a gun cleaning station in a weapons firm, only the best people are allowed to work with the industrial robots. Click here for more info.

Understanding AI


There are a lot of misunderstandings surrounding Artificial Intelligence around the world, and this has played a very big role in fuelling the many rumors and myths that have to do with robots. What the Indian government and the stakeholders in the technology sector need to prioritize is mass education to sensitize people on what AI is all about. This will make them more receptive to the technology when the time to transition from human-based labor to automation comes. Cases of people assuming that industrial robots are the start of a future rise of the machines are counterproductive and can slow down the pace of progress.

Investing in Infrastructure


It is a known fact that switching from a human workforce to an automated one will require the total revamping of everything from the ground up. Unlike humans who can move about even in small spaces, Industrial roots don’t have that luxury and the fluidity of movements, they have to move along planes. This requires lots of space as well as the installation of never seen before structures that would increase efficiency. This will take significant funds to pull off, even before you start thinking of importing the robots themselves. You may be forced to redesign the whole factory or even find a new space altogether.

Learn from The Best

Never before has the need for international relations been so important than now. Automation is not just a national issue; it is in the interest of every nation on the planet that everyone moves forward at the same pace. To be able to stay ahead with the pack, it is vital that India establishes good relationships that will lead to partnerships with countries with more advanced automated technologies and solutions. Countries like Japan could make very good partners who can share intel on how to improve what India already has, thus accelerating the pace of progress, which benefits everyone.

Creating Space for Humans


According to publicly available information, India is home to over 405 million people in the working sector, with a good number of them in manufacturing plants. Automating these businesses will render a huge number of people jobless, and that would create another problem with no viable solution in sight. As India moves towards automation, it is prudent that that runs concurrently with programs that seek to find new employment opportunities for those that will end up getting laid off as that is unavoidable. These programs will be able to create placement places for people where they’ll be trained to soother kinds of jobs and still continue to earn a livelihood.

Take Advantage of Opportunities

No nation on the planet can be described to be the ultimate authority on industrial robots and any other forms of robots. This opens up a rarer opportunity that has not been seen ever since the industrial revolution kicked in. The world is at a juncture where everyone is trying to figure out automation in their own ways and while it works with varying degrees of success. Being innovative and ahead of the rest opens up a rare window of opportunity for countries to seize and position themselves as leaders. There’s no knowing how the future of automation will pan out, but it is important that India prepares itself for anything because opportunities like these don’t announce themselves.

Changing the Education System


It doesn’t make sense to prepare for the future while teaching the people who will be running that future thing that will be rendered redundant in the next decade. To have a better future for the nation, it is vital that the current young crop of people are equipped with the best possible tools to take over. Teaching about automation should be made a priority, and this may even spur the emergence of prodigies who may grow up to revolutionize the world someday. The education system has to evolve.


There’s no escaping the steady march of technology; you can only ignore it at your own peril. Automation is already here with us; we see it in mobile systems, cars, manufacturing, and a host of other innovative ways. Positioning India strategically now to take advantage of opportunities in the near future is the wisest move that could be taken right now.