Have you been thinking about implementing the magnificent Hindu style into your house decoration and refine it with the immortal spirit of one of the oldest cultures that the world has ever seen? In case you have, this article is simply made for you, so keep reading.
The Indian style is wonderfully enriched with five inevitable points: color, natural materials, many cushions, crafts and figures with the appropriate connotations. It’s simple and fun to build it and the result is a very cozy atmosphere that brings serenity and comfort.
With this kind of design, you’re betting on color, exoticism and spirituality. The latter is what we suppose we normally find representations of the different deities. In the process to achieve it, you’ll see that there are some absolutely essential and rather easy tips that you need to follow – no difficulties or tough choices. As we will explain throughout the article, it’s a power of different fabrics, textures and colors, and you’ll simply enjoy it with every ounce of your being.
And now, let’s have a look at some essential features and ideas that might contribute significantly to your home becoming full of exotic notes and Indian touch.
Table of Contents
1. Lighting as an essential point
img source: etsystatic.com
Lighting is a fundamental part of Hindu decoration and therefore, it’s inevitable to take care of this aspect in order to make it successful.
To begin with, the presence of the Sun, represented by Surya, is very significant for Indians. Therefore, windows, doors and curtains should allow its lovely rays to pass through as much as possible and illuminate the home. In case you’re living in a place with too cold or gloomy climates where the sun peeks less or it’s mostly cloudy, there’s a solution, too. Why not complement your rooms with sun-patterned tapestries, curtains or sheets? Or pictures showing sunsets or sunrises? It would look gorgeous in any case and it will color all the greyness.
2. Old-school furniture style
img source: amazonaws.com
As for the furniture, these should be of rustic and ancient materials, such as carved noble wood. The more artisanal – the better. If you want it to be truly authentic, use pieces made of oak or walnut wood, or ensure that they’re from trees native to India, such as shisham.
Another possibility is to buy some used, second-hand old furniture in markets and fairs and look for unique pieces, with history. Check out decoration stores where you can find exotic, oriental or ethnic style furniture, imported from Asia, India or Africa. The complements obtained in this type of store will definitely achieve the objective we are looking for.
Lacquered furniture would also be a nice alternative. Not only does it adorn if chosen in various, vivid colors and original pattern, but also protects your furniture and facilitates its cleaning and maintenance. The furniture treated with it also has a natural varnish obtained from the sap of some resinous trees and is very common in Hindu territory. Of course, wood is not the only option, although it’s the most common one.
3. Various fabrics
img source: anerigroup.com
Alright, let’s focus on fabrics – one of the first things that attract the attention of any tourist when visiting India for the first time. This is what the country is most famous for and what makes her be the synonym of vividness.
Fabrics are increasingly present in the market, obviously also in the West. We can find tablecloths, carpets, cushions and bedding with lovely prints that would look outstanding in your living room or maybe even kitchen. Cashmere is also popular when it comes to the adornment of this type. Its origin is more than 2000 years old, the design has been adapted to the textile industries of each country, but without losing its true essence.
Although in Europe it’s more exclusive and considered more valuable, silk is a very common material in India. This is why it’s essential that you include some silk details while organizing and designing the rooms of your home. Silk in the Hindu style has its origin precisely in Hindu lands, where it was manufactured and marketed on a large scale. As something that’s considered a luxury material, used by the upper classes, it’ll bring a note of sophistication to all your rooms. It’s very appropriate in the bedroom, bedspreads and cushion covers, as well as in the curtains of this room of the house. It’s not necessary to implement it into some more familiar environments such as the living room, but if you include it as a small decorative detail here and there, it does not have to be “too much”.
4. Vivid colors
img source: thespruce.com
In India, bright colors stand out, so it’s crucial to choose and combine shades such as turquoise, fuchsia, red, yellow and orange. Make sure you opt for accessories and textiles in these colors that, combined with the dark brown furniture, will achieve a perfect Hindu style. If there’s also a shiny or sparkle note in these elements, much better.
To complement all the above colors, gold is the most successful companion and one of the most used tones in Hindu culture. In some countries (or should we say in most of them), people consider gold an exaggerated color that we should only use at Christmas embellishment. For that reason, don’t overdo it with this – it’ll be enough to introduce it into tiny elements so that they don’t attract too much attention. For example, in painting frames, on the edge of textile, in a Tibetan bowl and similar elements.
5. Exotic additional objects
img source: kamarupa.co.id
The next step is perhaps the most fun: the choice of objects that fill our Hindu room! Objects of this style are often simple to find online, but maybe it’s best to wander a little bit through fairs and antique shops and enjoy building your own little Indian kingdom.
The ideal materials are terracotta or ceramics, not forgetting metal. The carpets become almost the star complement when it comes to this concept. Walking and living barefoot every day, especially in rooms such as the living room or bedroom is very typical for Indians. Therefore, choose them in ecological materials and bright colors.
Vases, statues, idols and perfume incenses are many of the available solutions. The essence of this embellishment is based on a more mystical culture than the western one, so it’s very common to place the typical figures that represent divinities. However, it’s not necessary to abound in quantity. Multicolor fabric cushions can go on any place where you plan to rest and relax. Combined with the captivating smell of incense, they perfectly decorate more intimate spaces such as the bedroom.
Oh, and not to forget a special spice for this recipe – peaceful Indian tunes coming from your speakers in your moments of rest. Just imagine falling asleep with lovely, calming notes caressing your ears. If you have some free time, explore different music styles and find the melodies that relax you.
After all, it’s crucial to point out the idea that, although furniture and objects that recreate this style are still being designed, you can always find originals from India in antique stores, fairs, auctions, markets. You’re always able to do it in the most authentic way and let all your creativity spread all over your home and build your own Hindu heaven. This is how you’ll get a colorful space, which will give off a sense of quality and positivity and enrich your everyday life.