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Q: How to choose the best Juicer in India?

A: We are sure, our buying guide will be of a great help to make a choice. Of all the choices, Kuvings Cold Press Juicer is our top pick from the list of best juicers in India because it makes the juicing in less time with hassle-free functioning. It makes the juice tastier and does not lose its nutrients while separating the pulp.

Q: Why buy a juicer at home?

A: Compared to pre-packed juices, they have more nutrients and minerals. Having a juicer at home lets you make juices anytime you want – without making your hands or kitchen platform messy.

Q: Which juicer mixer grinder is best in India?

A: Which juicer mixer grinder is best in India? According to our research, Preethi Zodiac MG218 750-Watt mixer grinder is the best choice. The performance of its juicer is top-notch.

Q: What are the different types of juicers?

A: Masticating or Cold Press Juicers – They are also known as slow juicers as they take more time to extract juice than centrifugal juicers. But they are also capable of juicing wheat grass, herbs, greens, fruits and vegetables. Twin Gear – As the name suggests, two gears are provided closely to each other.