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Q: Which is the best badminton racket under 1000 in India?
A: Best Badminton Rackets Under 1000 in India. 1 1. Yonex GR 303 Badminton Racquet. Buy at Amazon.in. Features: 2 Li-Ning XP 707. 3 Yonex GR 777 Badminton Racket. 4 Li-Ning G-TEK GX Graphite Strung Badminton Racket. 5 Li-Ning XP Series 90-II Badminton racket. More items
Q: Is Li-Ning G-Tek GX graphite strung badminton racket good?
A: Because of these excellent features, this racket claims the third position among the best badminton rackets under 1000 in India 2024. Buy at Amazon.in The grip size of Li-Ning G-TEK GX graphite strung badminton racquet is S1.
Q: How much does a Yonex Gr 303 badminton racquet weigh?
A: Yonex GR 303 badminton racquet weighs 95 – 99.9 grams which is not the ideal weight but can help the player figure out his style of playing. This racket comes with an isometric head which helps in enlarging the sweet spot. This racket comes strung and the player will not need to get it strung.
Q: What are the different types of badminton rackets?
A: To begin with, Badminton rackets generally come in three different kinds which determine the balance of the racket. the three of them are head-heavy, evenly balanced, and head-light badminton. Head heavy rackets are preferred by people who like playing aggressively.