What Score Do You Need To Pass The New CCNA Exam

If you’re trying to become a household name in the IT world, more precisely if you’ve set your eyes on becoming a leading expert in the networking sphere, then you know what you must do. You must take and pass Cisco’s certification program exam. As you might a...

5 Challenges Facing Indian Retailers In 2024

The year 2024 was a challenging one for almost all forms of industries. The pandemic has brought about changes in the whole world – many of which are unprecedented. Many industries, particularly in the business sector have had to close down temporarily, and th...

Social Trading: Advantages and Drawbacks

Social trading has become one of the most popular investing mechanisms in the last few years. But, what is more, it has changed the way the market is understood and has made trading a more social activity, sharing knowledge and making the whole trading experie...