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Q: How much does a upright piano cost?

A: By clicking on any of the price points below, you’ll be able to see all of the piano models available in that particular price range. Upright Pianos Under $5,500 MSRP. Upright Pianos $5,500-$6,000 MSRP. Upright Pianos $6,000-$7,000 MSRP. Upright Pianos $7,000-$9,000 MSRP.

Q: What is the MSRP of a piano?

A: The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) are prices established by each company, presented in $USD. The MSRP is the “List Price” of a piano.

Q: What are the different sizes of pianos?

A: For a detailed description of each size, click on the desired size of piano. Upright pianos are qualified by height and grand pianos are measured by length. Assuming that most pianos have 88 standard-sized keys, piano width is similar. Depth of upright pianos range from 21″ to 27″ (52cm-67cm).

Q: What is piano price point?

A: Simply, Piano Price Point is a free online comparative look at all makes and models of new acoustic pianos on the market today. Read About Us The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) are prices established by each company, presented in $USD. The MSRP is the “List Price” of a piano.