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Q: What are the best speakers under $1000?
A: Best speakers under $1,000. 1 Pioneer SPEBS73-LR. The Pioneer SPEBS73-LR is our favorite standmounter under $1000. It features excellent performance, a smart build and the option … 2 Bowers and Wilkins 685 S2. 3 SVS Prime Towers. 4 Klipsch RF-62 II. 5 PSB Imagine X1T.
Q: What are the best floorstanding speakers for the money?
A: If you’re looking at spending up to $1,000 on a pair of stereo speakers, these are the absolute best performers for the money. One set of floorstanding speakers stands out above the rest: the SVS Prime Towers. Sarah Tew/CNET
Q: Should you buy stand-mount speakers under $1000?
A: However if you do decide to go the whole hog for a set of floor-standers, you get fuller sound for what is essentially the same amount of floor space. Based on CNET’s reviews, our favorite stand-mount speakers under $1,000 are the Pioneer Elite SP-EBS73-LR beating out our favorite from last year, the Bowers and Wilkins 685 S2 s.
Q: What is the best bookshelf under $1000?
A: I would suggest the Cambridge Aeromax bookshelf and the aero 6 [can be found for under $1000], each a lot of speaker for the bucks. Under $1000. I believe that is for a single speaker?